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2018 APGA Convention & Exhibition

by Vermeer
(WA & NT)

The APGA Annual Convention and Exhibition is one of the most significant industry events for pipelines and gas.

In 2018, APGA celebrates its 50th anniversary and this is reflected in the convention theme: Australia’s Pipelines: 50 years of safe and reliable delivery of energy and water.

The APGA Annual Convention and Exhibition is one of the most significant annual industry events for pipelines and gas. Its value as an opportunity for information exchange, learning and networking is well known and its convivial atmosphere is one of the highlights.

The APGA Annual Convention and Exhibition brings together participants from all sectors of the pipeline industry as well as other industries that are associated with natural gas and the transportation of energy, slurry and water. This major annual industry event provides excellent information in the business sessions, and the social events allow for extensive networking opportunities.

The 50th Annual Convention and Exhibition of the Australian Pipelines and Gas Association will be held at the Darwin Convention Centre from 8 to 11 September 2018, so put the dates in your diary now.

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