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Common Garden Birds in Darwin

Common garden birds photographed in suburban Darwin including doves, finches, fig birds, honey eaters and lorrikeets.

With plenty of water available to keep tropical gardens green, birds of all sorts are attracted to the housing areas as well as the public gardens and parks.

Darwin is a "must do" for birdwatchers with plenty to see in the suburbs and unique environments close by in Fogg Dam, Kakadu and the Mary and Adelaide  river systems.

The Northern variety of the Figbird has bright yellow plumage.

Black cockatoo's are frequent visitors, flashing their brilliant yellow tails in flight.

I think this is actually a Red-Tailed Cockatoo as the Yellow-Tailed variety only extends as far north as mid QLD.

Black CockatooBlack Cockatoo
Flying CockatooFlashing yellow-red tail

black cockatooBlack cockatoo feasting on nuts on the roadside.

Sulphur-Crested cockatoos visit from time to time, feeding on seeds, berries, nuts and roots. 

Sulphur Crested CockatoosSulphur Crested Cockatoos - happy to enjoy a free lunch.
Cockatoo on Tree topCockatoo on Tree top
Feeding CockatoosFeeding Cockatoos

A cockatiel looks out on a brilliant green visitor attracted by a free lunch. Thanks to Claire for identifying this as an Indian Ringneck, a popular cage bird introduced into Australia. Maybe this one escaped?

Visiting parrotVisiting parrot
Indian RingneckIndian Ringneck

This pair of Red-winged Parrots was photographed just behind the University.

Red-winged ParrotRed-winged Parrot
Female Red WingedFemale Red Winged

Masked Lapwing Plovers are part of the scenery all year round, nesting in the buildup season around October-November.

They become quite aggressive when they have eggs or chicks to protect. The nests are a simple depression in the ground and easy to walk past without noticing.

As you approach the nesting bird will make quite a display of being hurt and lead you way from the nest. If you get too close they will make swooping attacks to discourage you further.

lapwing plover warning displayA lapwing plover says "that's close enough"
Lapwing and nestLapwing and nest
Three Masked Lapwing Plover eggsThree plover eggs in a nest.

Adult plover and chickAdult plover and chick
Emerald DoveEmerald Dove
Bar Shouldered DoveBar Shouldered Dove
Masked LapwingMasked Lapwing
Red-Backed Button-QuailRed-Backed Button-Quail
Dove and
Double-barred FinchDove and Double-barred Finch

Double-barred FinchDouble-barred Finch perched on a Desert Rose.
Peaceful DovePeaceful Dove - similar appearance but about half the size of the Bar-shouldered Dove
Green OrioleGreen Oriole has a loud whistle and a pretty wrble
Olive Backed Oriole
Grey-Crowned Babblers feeding on the grass in NightcliffGrey-Crowned Babblers feeding on the grass in Nightcliff

Helmeted FriarbirdHelmeted Friarbird
Little FriarbirdLittle Friarbird

Little FriarbirdLittle Friarbird enjoys a free lunch.

(below) Two birds I can't really identify. Maybe warbler taking a shower, and another small finch in the bushes at Rapid Creek.

Small bird Warbler?Warbler? enjoying a shower.
Unidentified finch at Rapid CreekUnidentified finch at Rapid Creek

Thanks Chris for the suggestion this could be a Long Tailed Finch.

Not a very clear photo, but seems a good pick.

The Slater Field Guide lists 53 different Honeyeaters and many look quite similar just from the illustrations.

Another honeyeater which is a common garden bird, I thought a Brown Honeyeater, or as suggested, a Dusky Honeyeater (thanks Keith).

honeyeaterMaybe a Brown or Dusky Honeyeater
honeyeater and chickHoneyeater and chick
Rufus Banded HoneyeaterThis one flew into a building by mistake - Rufus Banded Honeyeater
Blue Faced HoneyeaterBlue Faced Honeyeater - one of the most colourful honeyeaters
dusky honeyeaterDusky Honeyeater

The white bellied cuckoo shrike (below) visits frequently, this one has just caught a grasshopper.

White bellied Cuckoo ShrikeA White bellied Cuckoo Shrike with locust.

See more of Darwins Birds and some of the water birds often seen in the creeks and tidal areas around the suburbs.

The Northern territory Field Guide is a free app that can help you identify over 600 species of.. "everything from colourful birds, iconic fish and mammals, dangerous snakes and crocs, through to butterflies, tiny termites and wasps."

  • Water Birds- Magpie Geese, Radjah Shelducks, Night Heron...
  • Black Cockatoo, Ibis, Galagh and more
  • Brahminy Kites, Black Kites, White Sea Eagles 
  • Fogg Dam Birdwatching

  • Usually a nocturnal visitor, this young fruit bat hung around for a daytime visit. The evening skies are sometimes filled with thousands making their way to feeding on any nectar or fruit they can find.

    Flying foxIt might not have feathers, but it flys very well.

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