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Darwin swimming pools, beaches and waterfalls.

Darwin swimming pools, beaches, rock pools and waterfalls are popular in a climate with average temperatures above 30C.

However some of these places are also popular with crocodiles and box jellyfish, both of which can be fatal. So before you take a running jump into some enticing cool water, check that it is safe.

Local boys enjoying a freshwater creek.Local boys enjoying a freshwater creek.

Public Swimming Pools

These pools are open all year, although hours may vary with the seasons. While it is true that a small crocodile was found in the Nightcliff Pool recently ( probably a prank ) these are all well maintained and safe places for a dip.

The Nightcliff Pool can be a very pleasant place in the evenings with a cool sea breeze coming in over the cliffs.
See more information on bush swimming pools here

Casuarina Pool.Casuarina Pool.

Casuarina Pool
Olympic pool and shaded toddlers pool

Monday to Friday 5.30 am to 7.30 pm
Saturday and Sunday 8 am to 7.30 pm
Public holidays 8 am to 7.30 pm.
Closed Good Friday,  Christmas Day and New Years Day.

Cnr Angelo St & Gsell St
Casuarina Ph 8927 9091.

Darwin Wave PoolDarwin Wave Pool

Darwin Wave Pool
The pool is open every day of the week from 10am to 6pm.

Wharf Precinct
Contact Life Guard Office on 89417260

Lake Alexander shaded playground.Lake Alexander shaded playground.

Lake Alexander
Next to the Fannie Bay Beach with picnic areas and playgrounds. Filled with filtered seawater, the lake provides safe swimmingin natural surroundings.
Take a stroll down the Mangrove Ecosystem Walk leading from the car park.

East PointRd
Fannie Bay

Leanyer swimming poolsLeanyer swimming pools

Leanyer Swimming Pool Recreation Park
Wed - Sun 10am to 7pm - open daily on public holidays and school holidays.

A terrific place for kids of all ages, with shaded pools, fountains, water play ground, water slides and picnic area.

Vanderlin Dr. Leanyer
Phone: (08) 8927 4199

Nightcliff Pool on the beach cliffs.Nightcliff Pool on the beach cliffs.

Nightcliff Swimming Pool
50m pool and shaded toddlers pool
Monday to Friday 5.30am to 7.30 pm
Saturday and Sunday 8 am to 7.30 pm
Public holidays 8 am to 7.30 pm.
Closed Good Friday,  Christmas Day and New Years Day.

Casuarina Drive.
Nightcliff ph 8985 1682

Parap Swimming Pool
Ross Smith Ave.

Palmerston Water SlidesPalmerston Water Slides

Palmerston Water Slides
100 metre water slides, shaded wading pool, water bucket and BBQ Picnic area
University Ave

Phone: (08) 8931 4685

Palmerston Swimming CentrePalmerston Swimming Centre

Palmerston Swimming & Fitness Centre
Olympic pool and shaded toddlers pool
31 Tilston Ave Moulden
Mon-Fri 5.30am - 7.00pm
Sat.  8.00am - 7.00pm
Sun. 9.00am - 7.00pm 
Ph 8932 3474

Goldfish Bowl Pool (heated)
44 Toupein Rd
Ph 8931 1000

If you never learnt to swim, now's your chance. Contact Adrienne for help with all your water based activities,from learning to swim to programed squad sessions focusing on Stroke development, correction & fitness.

Casuarina Storm Swimming Club Operates from both the Casuarina Pool and the Goldfish Bowl pool at Palmerston.

These pools can all be reached with public transport and there are more bush swimming pools and waterfalls within a few hours drive of Darwin.

Commercial Tours are also available to some places where a swim in a beautiful bush setting makes the trip more than worthwhile.

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