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A night of terror

by Alan Barham
(Port Macquarie, NSW)

As a lot of people on this site, Christmas Eve and Morning 1974 was a memory that I will never forget. My family (George, Nancy, Patricia and myself) lived in Buchanan Tce Nakara and was left with only floorboards after Tracy left.

My father George Barham and myself went in to Fannie Bay on Christmas Eve to collect my mother Nancy from the Gaol as she was finishing afternoon shift at the female section. I could tell a lot more about the time if anyone is interested.
I also have a lot of photos taken at the time of both the Gaol and Nakara if anyone would like to see.

I see that a Christene Watson added a message about my brother Tony. If Christene would like to send another message with contact details I could let her know some news.

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Photos would be great
by: Jim

Editors Comment;

Photos from the time are relalively scarce so any photos we can publish are much appreciated.

If you have photos, please contact me using the Contact Page and I will send a private email address so photos can be sent to the website.

For security we do not publish our email address online. This is because spammers use spider programs to search websites and collect email addresses which are then sold on in massive lists.
The email addresses collected gradually receive more and more spam and eventually become unuseable.

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