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Autism NT

(Nightcliff Shopping Centre)

Autism NT Office, Nightcliff

Autism NT Office, Nightcliff

Autism NT is the peak body for Autism in the Northern Territory. We provide information for parents, carers and professionals working or living with those on the Autism spectrum.

Autism NT is a non-government funded organisation which relies on grants and donations from both the public and private sector. Our AGM is in September and expressions of interest in becoming part of the committee are always welcome. Our committee is made up of both parent carers and professionals with an interest in Autism.

Member services include access to our extensive resource library, family events such as the annual Christmas party and discounted rates at workshops and other such events hosted by Autism NT.

Our office is located in the Nightcliff Shopping Centre next to the Good Luck Shop and opposite Woolworths.
Support groups are held monthly in the Northern Suburbs, Palmerston, Coolalinga and Humpty Doo. Groups are also held in other areas, check our website or call the office for details. These groups are open to anyone wishing to find support and information.

Office hours are 9am - 2pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9am – 5pm Wednesdays. Appointments are available outside those hours including evenings and weekends.

More Details at

April is Autism Month

Walk for Autism 2012!
Saturday April 21st 2012
Participants are invited to join us for a gold coin donation for a leisurely walk followed by a sausage sizzle. Money raised is allocated to family events.

Autism NT Ball and Auction
Sat 28th April 2012
2012 is our 10th anniversary since incorporation and we’ll be celebrating with a Ball at the Holiday Inn. Auction, food, fun and friends all whilst assisting us to raise funds to continue services in the Territory.

Autism is a neurological condition currently affecting around 1 in every 100 people. Ranging from classic or Kanners autism to Aspergers syndrome, it differs widely in presentation but can vastly affect ability to communicate effectively regardless of severity. There is no known cause and no cure. Early intervention can be essential in alleviating some characteristics as can ongoing therapy and support. Named the hidden disability, it is our aim to ensure that individuals on the spectrum are able to lead long and fulfilling lives in the community and that those living and working with them receive the support to ensure that goal.

Every 7 hours in Australia a child is being diagnosed with autism. Numbers are doubling every 5 years.

April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day globally.
This year we will be using this day to raise awareness by Lighting it up Blue. We understand it’s difficult to literally light it up blue in some places so instead we’re asking you to just Go Blue for the day – or the week if possible. We ask that staff wear blue for the day and support autism by wearing an autism badge in addition to having a small information brochure available for people to take away.
Autism NT will be holding a Blue Stall outside the Nightcliff Community Bank at the Nightcliff Markets on April 1st to further promote the event and will advertise information from all registered Blue supporters.

If you think you can support this event on April 2nd or any of our other events such as the Ball or Walk for Autism I would love to hear from you!

Tracey Myles
Executive Officer

P (08)89 484424 *
F (08)89 484014 *
M 0439 801 230 *

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Autism Website
by: Casey Parker

Hi, my names' Casey and I'm a 16 year old girl with Aspergers, I wanted to talk to other people with Aspergers. I actually have website all on autism and aspergers at

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