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Bad Birthday Present

by Dellys

I had lived in Darwin from March 1969 to December 1970. My baby's father was killed in a car accident on the 21st December 1970. I was 22 years old and I returned to Brisbane, but I had fallen in love with Darwin and wanted to return there.

I eventually got back there in October 1974.My daughter was now 4 yrs old and we lived in a townhouse at Nightcliff. It had been raining for 2 weeks before Tracy struck. On the morning of that fateful day I went to the hairdressers and had my hair done as I was flying out on Christmas eve to visit my parents as it was my birthday.

That night I had put my daughter to bed but she was not going to go to sleep. It was getting noisier and she was a little scared. We looked out the glass windows in her bedroom about 11pm and saw the roof of the duplex next door being ripped off.We could feel the window bowing in from the force of the wind and fearing it would break we went downstairs and sat on the floor under a shelf under the stairs.

The wind howled and roared for the next 6 hours like a thousand jets flying over. My ears almost burst with the pressure and each time the wind died a little the walls whistled through cracks as the pressure eased. During the eye of the cyclone we tried to see out our windows we could hear someone calling for help from the house next door and felt so useless and guilty that we couldn't help them.

We saw a police car pull up and I guess they helped them cause we found out later that some children had been separated from their parents but they were ok.
Then the wind came back from the opposite direction and we got back under the stairs. We lost our roof and the bottom of a boat ended up upside down on my bed. My daughters bed was sucked out through metal louvers and her door was blown the opposite way to what it should have been. Our fridge door was blown off the fridge, I sat in about a foot of water all night with my daughter in my lap and a mattress wrapped around us.

When daylight finally came we could see all the mess in the lounge room but the Christmas tree stood untouched on the coffee table in the center of the room. We went outside like scared rabbits afraid of what we would see. There was someone's shed over my car and you could not tell where the road was it all looked like one huge dump. I cut my foot jumping over downed power lines.

Later that night after making my way around Darwin to check on my friends through the day I made my way to my Aunty in Katherine and was evacuated from there 4 days later on the jet belonging to the big boss of BHP.

But I returned to Darwin again in 1976 and worked for the Government there for the next 25 years until I retired. I am now back in Brisbane

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Visit to darwin
by: Nancy

I have just spent 5 days in Darwin & saw the Cyclone Tracy exhibition at the museum. Extremely heart rending. Living in Sydney at the time of the cyclone, I made sandwiches for a church organisation to deliver to Sydney airport to give to evacuees when they arrived in our lovely safe city.

by: Anonymous

Bet you don't even lift

Hope your well
by: Anonymoususususus

Tortuous conditions!

by: Anonymous

Im 13 yrs old and wow your story touched me.
I feel so sorry for all those victims in Cylcone Tracey. Its just devistating to hear about such loss and damage. I find im extremely lucky to live in Perth.

by: Anonymous

Hi im 13 and i also needed an victims story for a school project and i picked yours because i believed it was the most terrifiying, i cannot imagine how you must have felt but i'm glad your ok even though it happened in 1974 you are soooo lucky that you and your daughter are ok and its lucky you wernt in your beds otherwise you might not be here now anyway glad ur ok

by: Anonymous

hoppe your all right

That must of been allful
by: Beth.H

That must of been allfull you poor thing hope you all right now and got a house

God bless

by: Rachel

That must have been scary for you and your daughter

by: Anonymous

i am terribly sorry for the lose of your gorgeous house. i am sooooo happy that you and your beloved child are both alive and ok. dearest sympathys for your childs father.
our beloved warm wishesXX

god bess you

sad story horrible present
by: mackenzie

hi my name is mackenzie and i am 12 and i needed info on cyclone tracy for my natural disasters project reading your story has really made me feel sad knowing that you and your daughter were just stuck there under the staircase and i can only imagine what would have happened if you and your daughter had of stayed in your beds thank you for telling us your story i know hope all is well with your daughter and you

What a present...
by: Jordy

My name is Jordy and i am 15 years old. I am studying Cyclone Tracy in Geography at school. I know that the Cyclone would have been really hard for you, but i appreciate your story as it has helped me to know exactly how horrible and disatrous the cyclone was and how much saddness it brought to many people.

Thanks you once again for your story, i hope everything is going well for you and you daughter.

I'm sorry
by: Anonymous

Geeez that must have been hard because now your baby won't have a father that must be heart breaking.

by: Anonymous

omg iam 12 years of age i feel very sorry for you

Poor you
by: Anonymous

Im only 12 and i cant believe what happened its so lucky that you and your baby survived

by: Anonymous

Im 12 and i was researching Tracy for school. That sounds awful!!!

by: Caitlin

I am 14 years old and I live in Sydney so I ahve never been in a cyclone. Your story almost made me cry. I am so happy that your child and yourself survived but it i unlucky about what happenned to your child's father. :(

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