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by tony rive
November 14-18 at Brown's Mart Theatre
Preview: 7pm Nov 14; Tix $15
Show: 7pm Nov 15-17; Tix $30/$20 Conc/Groups 8+
Matinee: Nov 18; Tix $30/$20 Conc/Groups 8+
“I’ve got a foreboding. It’s all going to be a disaster”
With the impending arrival of the world’s richest man to judge artist Brindsley Miller’s work, the young sculptor and his fiancée ‘borrow’ some antiques from their out-of-town neighbour to impress him.
Just as they get everything in order, a blackout hits the building. Poor Brindsley now has to navigate not only the potential benefactor, but an apathetic Electrics Company, his fiancee’s bitter father, a tee-totalling spinster, the early return of his antique-loving neighbour and the unannounced arrival of his very mischievous ex.
What could go wrong?
Darwin Theatre Co presents Black Comedy, directed by tony rive and co-hosted by Browns Mart Theatre from November 14-18.
An Amateur Production By Arrangement with ORiGiNTM Theatrical, on behalf of Samuel French Ltd.
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