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by Andree
I was not there. I was safely tucked up at my aunt's house in Sydney. It was my first Christmas in Australia, having arrived in the October from the UK I was looking forward to the experience of an 'aussie xmas'. Then the approaching disaster came onto the news, children were having to leave their homes, with no Santa to visit and no presents to open.
I was only 17yrs old and did not really understand what a cyclone was. I was thinking of my younger brothers back in the UK and how disappointed they would be in the same situation.Throughout Christmas the reports went on and on for days and days of the horrific disaster and the casualties and heartbreak in Darwin. Not a Xmas goes by now that I do not think of that awful day and the people who suffered. I hope for most that time has helped heal the pain.
I returned to the UK a few years after, but my husband and myself are looking at applying to return, and guess where? Darwin.
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