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Cyclone Tracy essay

by Tori W

hi everyone,
I'm writing a paper on how cyclone Tracy changed the face of Darwin and was wanting to know if anyone out here knows where I can get some information on the house codes to which the house were made to.
I'm not doing this as just something to kill time I'm going this as an assignment for my class at school.
any information is helpful.
Thank you Tori

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Cyclone Tracy
by: Anonymous

Tori... I was there, I inspected new houses for British Paints, and I saw the short cuts and corruption before inspection. Slab steel was fraudulent, roof fastenings were a bent thread with no washer or nut, and the town was set up for destruction. However, that was not the only problem. The weather scientists were... is there any other way to put it... stupid. They measured the wind with instruments that were destroyed by 11 PM. These should have been set on the beach. I calculate that, because cars were sandblasted to bare metal, and trees stripped of their branches, the wind exceeded 400 KPH.

We need a record this to survive.

But the real villains were the Darwin Reconstruction Commission, who destroyed some 400 families by refusing to permit families to return from the south after evacuation.

I was the lone welfare officer who survived to deal with the aftermath. Read "The Lost Track", a novel by Kato Rivera on the NT from 1971 to 20120

by: Jaunita Keat

That's good one post.

by: tori warfe

if you wish to contact me my email is:

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