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by Lilly apleres

well i was just about to brush my teeth when i heard a knock at my door. I went to go answer it and i felt a strong gust of wind through the door. It was my mum saying that a cyclone was going to hit darwin in 20 minutes! I went back inside and gathered my 4 children up with a few goods. I then realised that my husband was at work. He was much to far away to go get him back from his work place so i tried to call him. I called him about 5 times and there was know answer. So i went to duck for cover. My phone started to ring and it was my husband he asked me why i called so many times and i said there was a cyclone coming. Then i heard him screaming and then the phone hung up. The next day everything was ruined and i received a email from the police saying my husband had sadly passed away. I could of never have felt so saddend in my life.

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Wth is this
by: Anonymous

Bruh how do you sleep at night knowing you have fabricated a story that at the time of writing took place almost 50 years ago. I certainly wasn't around then but I have watched enough cyclone Tracy documentaries to know that this crap is fake. I cant believe you would do this. I also don't recommend this website as several stories are fake.

I don't believe this !!
by: Anonymous

It sounds like you were using a mobile phone, as with the emails, there were no mobile phones in
1974. I was there for cyclone Tracy and there was a build up, it didn't just happen. I think you need to get a life.

e-mail yer right
by: Anonymous

Points to remember, if you intent to fabricate such a story then think before you write Police officers will NOT inform you of a death by e-mail and secondly e-mails back in 1974 I don't think so.

Get a Life!
by: Darren

I also ACTUALLY went through Cyclone Tracy. Believe me, it wasn't funny, if you really went through it you would be wishing that you hadn't have. The fact that you need to fabricate something like this shows how shallow a person you are. Get a life!

by: Anonymous

that's not funny

by: Anonymous

Sad that someone can come up with such crap

How sad you need to lie
by: Barb

As someone who actually survived Cyclone Tracy, I can't believe there are people out there who are so twisted that they think its amusing to lie.

What a sad person you are. What a sad miserable life you must have.

by: Anonymous

Email in 1974??????

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