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Suburbs of Darwin Australia
Alawa is located next to the
popular Casuarina Shopping Square, close to Charles Darwin University,
Casuarina Beach and Rapid Creek Parks and bike tracks.
Three Boab trees stand sentinel in the park lands across Lakeside Drive in Alawa. These trees are native to the north west of Australia and grow massive thick trunks over many years.
The parks separate the residential areas from the tidal mangrove systems of Rapid Creek which runs into the sea nearby.
The University is a five minute walk away, across these Parks.
Alawa Beauty Salon
Alawa Crs
8948 2550
Alawa Hair Studio
55 Alawa Crs
8985 6534
Alawa Fish & Chips
55 Alawa Crs
Dimitrios Specialty Cakes
55 Alawa Crs
8948 4088
Dragonfly Fabrics
55 Alawa Crs
8948 0691
Gina Travel & Tourism
55 Alawa Crs
8948 2587
Porto Pizza
55 Alawa Crs
8985 2011
Powerpit Gym
55 Alawa Crs
8985 5386
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Alawa Primary School and Pre-school
Pett Street Alawa NT 0810,
ph; (08)8927 9122
For many years the school has included a small farm which allows children some hands on experience with animals and growing vegetables.
Nemarluk Special School has moved to Alawa from it's original site in Ludmilla.
It includes 14 purpose-built classrooms, a hydrotherapy pool, a multipurpose assembly hall, a gymnasium, an after-school care building and shares the sports oval with Alawa Primary.
The facilities are available for community use as part of the NT Government's Our Community Heart program.
Alawa Scout Hall
Contact - John Doidge
Email -
Phone - 8932 3677
Sections - Joey Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts
Location - Alawa Scout Hall Lakeside Drive, Alawa
Alawa Hall
Lakeside Drive, Alawa, NT, 0810
Available for hire - dances, sports and other groups use this as a convenient venue .
Check here for the Too Much Stuff Flea Market at Alawa hall
Community Garden
Lakeside Drive, Alawa NT
Meetings are held fortnightly on a Monday at the Alawa Hall on Lakeside Drive.
Working bees are held on site every second week either on a Saturday
morning or a Sunday afternoon. Bring along your gardening gloves, drink
bottles, sunscreen and closed shoes and help us to plant trees and
mulch our garden bed!
Check here for details of meetings and working bees
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