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Darwin Safer City Program

by Amy

Your feedback is needed to make Darwin a safer city!

I've lived in Darwin for three and a half years now and I absolutely love my Top End lifestyle and all the amazing opportunities available here. So, I'm helping the City of Darwin gather feedback to help create a Safer Community Plan and I would be incredibly grateful if you would take a moment to complete a survey.

This survey is an opportunity for you to give your ideas and feedback on what would help make Darwin a safer and more vibrant place to work, play, live and visit. It only takes five minutes and all the information will be used to guide the City of Darwin over the next few years.

Why should you do it?
- It only takes five minutes, and is pretty easy (t's not like maths, there's no right or wrong answer).
- If you live, work and play in Darwin your feedback is incredibly important to make sure the City of Darwin delivers to your needs.
- We want Darwin to be a welcoming, friendly. safe place for everyone (including visitors) your information will help us do this.
- And you should do this because if you're like me, and Darwin is your home, you should care about what the council does to improve our community.


Please also pass this onto your friends, family and networks, share it around your workplace or on Facebook.... word of mouth is THE most powerful tool in Darwin so let's use it.

Thanks heaps, I really do appreciate it :)

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