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Darwin-Christmas Eve

by Andrea Mikfelder

It was Christmas Eve 1974. I was the oldest of 4 children only 8 years old. My parents did the European celebration opening our presents Christmas Eve. We went to bed. I awoke loud eerie wind noises. Mum had 3 of us in the hallway on the suitcase. we had lost our roof ceiling leaking & a foot of water on the floor. The louves were smashing into each other from each side.
I remember There was a knock on the front door. My dad nearly flung back as he forcefully shut the door A man in hysteria about his wife on the phone dead My Dad tried to coaxe him to stay. He was gone.
My little baby brother started crying in his cot. Mum picked him up. Just as she did we seen a pane of glass come thru the ceiling into his cot. He looked.(never slept in a cot again!) We ended up sleeping in my parents room.

The next morning a car with hand speaker told us to go to the school.My Mum was very upset. I found out later our dogs had been put down & they had sedated my mum. My family decided to go by plane to Perth W.A. We only could take one suitcase. Most of our pocessions went to our neighbour who had lost everything that were staying.
Us kids suffered with nightmares & were scared of the dark. Like my Mum I had nerve troubles. In 1976 my parents divorced It was devasting for me as it was unheard of then.My mother moved to Adelaide & My father to Melbourne. I had to opportunity as a 16 year old to visit Queensland I liked it so much I came back as 18 year old.
To this day I have a fear when it storms.we have a photo of us kids & a"ghost photo" of our dog in front.Two in one!!

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English yeah nah?
by: Anonymous

So been in Aus since atleast the seventies and thats the extent of your ability to english. Did you not return to school or what? I really struggles to read that. Condolences on your experiences however.

by: Anonymous

aww man i was looking for cyclone tracy info on this page :(

Hello There
by: Craig

Hi Andrea,
Craig here. It has been a long long time since I've seen you. We used to work together at Coles and this is the only place I have found any reference to your name online. Hope you are well. If you would like to get in touch, drop me a line at Love to hear from you. x

by: Anonymous

Craig, It was stupid of you to put your E-Mail on this website. You may get spammed by people.

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