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by Becky
DCA Seniors Community Dinner
The DCA August dinner is being held as a final celebration of Senior's month this year. We are showcasing artistic expressions of all sorts by seniors, to inspire others from all levels of community.
We are gathering any "senior-ish" people to be part of groups of creative tables, displaying / demonstrating / and chatting to others about their craft, be it painting, knife making, textile, pottery, or poetry. Possibilities are endless...
We are also looking for creative "senior-ish" people who might be interested in performing as a group or individually (music, singing, poetry, acting...), from 1-15mins, evening 28th August.
Attached is the flyer for the event.
There will also be information stands on the night for groups that may relate to seniors, so if organisations involved in the well-being, or creative groups that welcome seniors, would like a promotional table please contact us.
28th August, 6-9pm. Malak Shopping Centre carpark, Chambers Crescent, Malak. It is an all age event and family friendly. Bring your own plate, cup, and cutlery. Seniors eat free and there is a suggested $5 per person or $10 per family donation for everyone
Please get anyone interested in being part of the night to ring the Darwin Community Arts (DCA) office on 8945 7347 or email for further details.
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