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Deborah Fisher-What ever happened ???

by Susan Heath
(Werribee victoria)

My name is Susan Heath and I live in Werribee Victoria.
I had a friend name Deborah Fisher and her father was in the RAAF and was posted to Darwin before Tracy hit. I believe they lived on the RAAF base as I can remember writing letters to each other and I am sure I addressed them to the RAAf base.
After Tracy hit I never heard from her again and never knew if the friendship had just run its course or if she was hurt in the cyclone. I rang the Raaf base here in Laverton and they couldn't help me. Deborah had a sister Tanya and a brother Shane. I have always wondered what happened to her and often think of her.
She would be about 52 years old now and i would love to hear any information on her.

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Debbie Fisher
by: Jeanine Currey

I hope this is the correct Debbie Fisher, they lived on the RAAF Base Deb was in for 3 at Darwin High, I am saying this as I hope it is the correct Debbie Fisher, her mum a few months before the Cyclone hit and her Dad got posted to Dubbo NSW that is the last I know of them. I do not know what caused her mums death I just know it was devastating to the family if this is the correct Debbie Fisher, so last known whereabouts was Dubbo NSW living with her Grandmother we were told. Not much but just a memory as us RAAF girls from form 3 at Darwin High all went down to her house and she was sitting on the steps with and the RAAF Padre was there...

regards Jeanine Currey

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