Fantastic Fotographic Fishing Fun Day

childrens week Kids Fishing Fun competition child friendly
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The Fantastic Fotographic Fishing Fun Day is the official Breakfast Launch of National Childrens Week

Sunday 21 October
7.30 am to 12.00 Noon
Trailor Boat Club

There will be a whole range of fun activities for children and their families, where we recognise great parents who spend time with their kids, and reward the piscatorial efforts of their sons and daughters.

A key part of our plan is the Fotographic Fishing Competition. We encourage children to submit a photograph of themselves with their parent, grandparent, uncle or auntie and a fish they have caught over the past 12 months with a few lines to tell the story.

The competition is limited to one entry per child and the photo should have been taken between 21/10/06 and 19/10/07.

Every entry will recieve a prize in it's own unique category including;

  • The ugliest fish
  • The roundest fish
  • The not-quite-a-fish
  • The fish with the biggest teeth
and so on.....

Fishing & Outdoor Leisure

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