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Visit Fogg Dam to see the wildlife of the floodplains and wetlands of the Northern Territory.
Located about an hours drive from Darwin on the Arhnem Highway, this conservation park is alive with birds, water pythons, dusky rats and crocodiles. The rats and pythons are nocturnal, so are rarely seen by daytime visitors.
The Fogg Dam Field Day has something for all the family. There's bird walks, a butterfly walk, talks on water pythons and cane toads and much much more. For the kids, there are a couple of treasure hunts, which expose some of the secrets of this remarkable area.
Engage with the traditional owners and learn about their culture and history, and tag-a-long on the bush tucker walk.(ph 8988 5599 for more info)
These ducks and a darter drying it's wings hardly seemed to notice the croc at all.
A black crow landed in a tree just a few feet away and aggressively made it disapproval of our presence felt.
A short distance away two jabiru strutted along the bank.
Magpie geese stand amid their own reflections in the shallow water.
A small viewing platform stands on the causeway to allow visitors to watch the displays of lilies and birds .
Large flocks of magpie geese, ducks and ibis form as birds congregate at feeding sites.
The Dam has now been delared a Heritage Site. If you are interested in helping maintain this unique NT Enivionment, see Friends of Fogg Dam
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