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Good memories as a kid in Darwin

by Stewart
(Gold Coast)

First went to Darwin as a six year old in 1956. Like a lot of families at the time, the family lived in a caravan on Mindil Beach. Directly under the old Darwin Hospital, there lived a Larrakeyah tribal family who had a dug-out canoe and fished the area.

After a couple of years my father purchased a house at 27 Knuckey Street (which is now a multi-story apartment complex). We also purchased a house in Mitchell Street and had land on the corner of Bagot Rd and the Highway.

I remember playing in Frog Hollow, catching tadpoles and playing on the red engine. Billy's cream buns on Fridays for 2 shillings was heaven. I also enjoyed the dress-up fetes.

Best mate was Freddy B.... We had so much fun being free and sometimes a little mischievous.

The Yardman at school had his initiation scars and demonstrated throwing spears to the kids. His shed has gone but the slab is still there.

Fished on the wharf at night and watched the Japanese remove the sunken ships during the day. Often went wild geese shooting at Humpty Doo, the geese were great in Malaysian Curry cooked by the TI guys from the Pearl Luggers. Howard Springs was the main swimming/picnic area for Darwinites. The swimming pool was at Larrakeyah Army Barracks.

Star Theatre on Friday nights. Victor Charles Hall (author and artist) was the town's hero. Fred and myself, as Red Cross juniors, helped to raise money for Vic's braille watch. The two baobab trees in the Woolworths carpark were within the primary school yard, the smaller one was where most fights occurred. I'm the boy leaning against the tree in the photo at the base of the large baobab.


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by: Anonymous

that was a brilliant read Stewart. I too am a local and although a little latter than you. your piece of writing described such a beautiful Darwin and I could imagine every item as it was described. I think you were very fortunate to experience Darwin life at that time.

thank you for taking us back and sharing such a time very few had of experiencing such a perfect time

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