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by Rachel
Ever since I was young my family would always tell me the story of how my great uncle John slept through cyclone Tracy, I never really took much interest in the story until about 2 months ago when I started becoming quite fasinated about cyclones. It was only the other day that I remembered my uncles story. So I decided to ask him about it.There are some things in the story that I don't really understand and because I wasn't there I proberly never will, but I'll try and tell you the story just how he told me.
When I asked him just what happend that day he said:
He had heard the previous cyclone warnings and they were spread over a couple of weeks, then the cyclone Tracy warning came. Now on the particular day that Tracy came, John was having a work party. By the time that cyclone Tracy came to destroy the beautiful city he was drunk of his head! Just moments before Tracy started to get violent John had made his way back to his flat and had collapsed in the bath tub.While cyclone Tracy took her violent revenge John slept like a baby! The next morning when he woke up, he got a big surprise! He says that when he awoke and went outside everything was flat, there wasn't a single leaf on a tree or a single tree on the ground.All the houses had been ripped of their foundations and the tree routs had been pulled right out of the ground.
I guess that some people would find this story funny, but to me I'm just thankful that he's still alive.
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