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living homeless in darwin and or longrass christian ratbag perspective

Recycled Art

Recycled Art

I feel like a disorganised sponge,
Who runs all over like a homeless bum,
A homeless bum with a homeless mind,
I sense his direction but I'm cold and blind.

Who runs all over like a homeless bum,
Who shines like a river - but shatters like the sun,
I sense his direction but I'm cold and blind,
Is it in my heart or in my mind?

Who shines like a river- but shatters like the sun,
Is it God inside me or life so drum,
Is it in my heart or in my mind,
I run like a madman feel so fine.

This came second in a Pantoum Poem competition at Darwin City Libraries.

Came up 2005 went to Groote Island to do mission type work. Hadn't really seen aboriginal remote community stayed a week or ten days doing painting.

Didn't have longer permit, didn't have fare back, so decided to work do myself walked from airport and slept out at near Bagot and Frogs Hollow.
Started sleeping Tiger Brennan drive under nt news quiet right out of town centre a bit but slept everywhere. Picked up rubbish cause that's what I do.

Got offered job by Gimballs Contracters and council.
Girl made movie about me. Got om radio always praying and working and listening to god. Called myself a longrasser but didn't really understand term

Stayed for a full year through wet and git work and lived at christian outreach centre and also did stuff with Bill Jelly didgereiddoo indigenous craetiond guy. Then went back to Narrabri, living there five years or so previously wanting to get to know how you relate to minister to aboriginal people better on glue sniffing aerosols petrol sniffing issues
God bless
longrass stuff see ya

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by Matt. D

It sucks, it's either too hot or always raining. Prickly heat for days.

Bread from woolies loading bay isn't bad, go after like 2 am

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