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Ice skating at Nightcliff

by Val Hine

I've lived in Darwin since 1964, except for 2 years in Katherine. Some friends and I were chatting the other day, and as Casuarina Shopping Centre has erected an ice rink, it reminded me of the one (I thought) that used to exist in Nightcliff behind what is now the bowling alley.

Everyone shouted me down, but I'm SO SURE we used to be able to ice skate there. Was only for a short time. I can remember someone saying that it cost so much money to run the place, and we just didn't have the population then (mid 1960's - mid 70's). Can anyone remember it - or am I just getting senile?

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Ice rink in darwin
by: Anonymous

I lived in Darwin as a teenager and basically lived at the roller skating rink. It was in nightcliff, next to the bowling alley, and there was definitely no ice rink. Not anywhere in Darwin.

Roller Skating
by: Anonymous

There was a roller skating rink in Nightcliff around 1977-8

by: Anonymous

I have recently learned to ride skateboard and longboarding.

Old Friend
by: Anna

My father was in Darwin in 1960's. He is trying to trace a friend he used to have Tom Stillianos (sp?)Greek.
I think he was a taxi driver in the 1960's, would appreciate any assistance.
Sydney, Rose Bay

Skating yes
by: Anonymous

While I've been in Darwin for the last 10 years or so, I do remember a skating rink but I'm fairly sure that you mean roller skating. Not ice. Skate World I think it was called.

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