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it ruined our life

by Georgina Redford

when cyclone tracey struck, we were devastated. we didnt have insurance, and it clean struck through our house and submerged our car in the ocean. it cost us over $100,000. now were living alright, but we are still thousands of dollars in debt.

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nasty remarks
by: Anonymous

it doesn't really matter whether people had insurance or not sometimes people can not afford it and sometimes insurance companies won't pay out so to all these nasty remarks telling this person to get over it , go back to school or finish it because your spelling is disgusting

by: Survivor

And there are still large amounts of money in the govt coffers left over from the Darwin Concert and other fund raising events that was never paid out to the survivors that lost everything.

by: Anonymous

Regardless of the reasons, when people's lives are devastated, there should never be the sentiment of 'well you brought it on yourself' or 'you should have been better prepared, so you shouldnt be surprised that this happened.' It just shows the hardness that can be in the human heart. In a certain situation, we would all be found wanting, and at that moment we would all seek human compassion, and rightly so. We have all done something which led to our suffering, and should have known better. But we are here for each other when things turn pearshaped.

get get get get get over it
by: Anonymous

i feel so sorry for you but realy you knew that this was going to happen so why werent you more causiots

by: Anonymous

omg how devastateing how did you deal with it?

get insurance
by: Anonymous

get insurance

by: Anonymous

Be nice! It was a custom car!

How about you dont make opinions
by: ItRuinedHER LIFE

Dude above me that commented. How aboiut you realise that in this world many things are materialistic. Of course they would be happy to have their lives, as would you or i.. that doesnt mean they cannot be unhapy for the debts that that cyclone has caused them. They may have not had insurance for their own personal reasons.. ever thought of that before you started being a smartass? no. didnt think so.
Just grow up and let other people express their opinions of how they feel about this k?

You should be grateful
by: FK Darwin Resident

I am sure you were devastated but I think it sounds like you worry more about material things and less of your life. The fact that you managed to save your life dose not matter to you hey? As far as I am concerned I think Tracy has taught you something?s like it?s you or your families fault you should have had insurance. That?s why insurances are for. I have been through Tracy and Thank god we did have insurance even if we didn?t have the NT Government did help out not much but they did help.

We are so grateful to have been saved from Tracy that material things does not matter we have just carried on. Even if we did not have insurance we would and are grateful to be alive. we lost every thing too. We just worked and re build our house and are grateful we are alive and could so should you.

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