Lameroo Beach 1973
by Robert
Baths -1922 (Supplied: William Coleman, Northern Territory Archive Service.)
Lameroo Beach 2021
bbq in a shopping trolly - some things don't change much
The view to the CBD no doubt has changed.
My mate & I hitchhiked to Darwin mid 1973 and found THE place to stay was Lameroo Beach.
Camping was free (tho not according to the town council!), the toilets and showers in the park up top were adequate, the Zoo Bar was within staggerable distance, and the amazing variety of people from all over the world absolutely amazing!
We set up a nice terrace campsite and had a terrific time swimming and socialising and trading stories of the overland route with so many hippies who had found their way there.
There was also an extremely eclectic mix of Aussies, ranging from dropped out real estate agents, young runaways, hitchhikers like ourselves, blackfellas from NT and elsewhere and old ockers who had been there apparently since the end of the ww2.
The 70's truly was a great time of awakening for all of Oz and for my mate and myself in particular.
Quite surprising that there are no stories here about this legendary location.