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Letz Dance With Maree and Friends

by Maree Kuczborski and Evelyn OBrien
(Darwin, NT, Australia)

Maree and Evelyn

Maree and Evelyn

- Come and have fun with - “Letz Dance with Maree and Friends”. Check our 2023 program

This is a Social dancing group that enjoys Sequence and Ballroom Dancing, with a goal to give all dancers regular places to practice and enjoy their dancing and to meet new people, as well as pre-scheduled dates and times, to assist dancers with planning which dances they wish to attend.

Please Note: No stiletto Heels, only dance shoes, or wedge heels, or flat heels that will not damage the floors.

Dance times & locations for “Lets Dance with Maree and Friends”

Weekly Dances: Every Wednesday afternoon from 2pm to 4pm at the Malak Community Centre,
Entry Cost is $8.00 per person.
Come for 2 hours of fun, social dancing (but no tuition) each Week from 8 Feb 2023 through until 13 December 2023.

Monthly Dances:

Sundays - Malak Community Centre.
Come along on the 3rd Sunday afternoon of every month, to the Malak Community Centre. Dancing from 1.30pm until approximately 4pm.
Entry Cost $8.00 per person.

Please note:

1. "Letz Dance with Maree and Friends” takes a break over the Festive season; recommencing 8th Feb 2023

2. The Malak Community Centre is in Malak Crescent, Malak. It is in the same building as the Malak Family Centre, across the carpark from Malak School). Dancing is on the wonderful sprung wooden dance floor of the Community Centre.

4. Correct Money on Entry to all dances will be appreciated, as change is difficult to provide.

5. Complimentary refreshments of Tea and/or Coffee are provided at all dances but please bring own Mug to enjoy this.

6. “Letz Dance with Maree and Friends” does not provide Dance Classes, or Teaching.

7. How to contact “Letz Dance with Maree and Friends”;

Mob: 0401 935 758, or 0437 163 224


PO Box 365, PARAP NT 0804

Comments for Letz Dance With Maree and Friends

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Feb 19, 2023
Malak Dances - Wednesday and Sunday
by: Maree

What a great week of dancing, so glad to see our regular dancers and some new ones back for 2023.
Catching up with friends and exercising is so good for us all.

Aug 15, 2021
HARBOUR ROOM DARWIN - Saturday 14th August
by: Maree

Saturday Night was a fantastic night of dancing. It was loveĺy having some interstate dancers dance the Argentine Stroll. We shared our knowledge and had everyone on the floor dancing a Rock & Roll Waltz.

Jul 29, 2021
10 Jul 21 - Dance at the Harbour Room Darwin City
by: Evelyn

Our monthly Saturday dance for July was held on Sat 10 Jul 21 at the Harbour Room, 2 Smith St, Darwin City. It was a fun night of social dancing with approx 25 dancers, including a few interstate dancers. We danced energetically from 7:30pm until 11pm when it was time to rest our weary feet. Looking forward to the August dance at 2 Smith St, Darwin City on 14 Aug 2021. Everyone is welcome.

Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday 9th June 2021
by: Maree

WOW!!!! broke our record again yesterday with 37 dancers. So good to see everyone on the floor dancing, and catching up with friends. A couple of progressive dances so everyone gets a chance to say hi. Wonderful afternoon 💃🕺

May 14, 2021
Saturday 13 May 21
by: Evelyn

A really enjoyable and lively fun night of dancing at the Harbour Room, Darwin City last Saturday night. Great to see everyone dancing up a storm and still full if energy late into the night. A good number of dancers which was great given all of the competing events on the same night.

May 05, 2021
Wednesday Dance at Malak
by: Maree

WOW!!!! what a great turnout at Wednesday 5th May 2021, broke our record with 32 attending. A great social dance with everyone on the floor enjoying themselves. We all got to see the amazing Video that Evelyn had created from the previous wednesday.

Apr 12, 2021
Harbour Room Saturday Night 10th April
by: Dancer

Lovely night of Ballroom Dancing in the city and so many happy friendly faces.

Apr 12, 2021
by: Maree

Saturday Night 10th April Dance was a fun filled night, such a lovely venue in the City. Looking forward to seeing you all next month 8th May 2021

Mar 15, 2021
Last Saturday Night at the Harbour Room, Darwin city
by: Dancer

A great turn out to the Harbour Room on Saturday 13 March 2021 ensured a lively, fun atmosphere inside the dance hall.
Giggles and great bursts of laughter could heard as occasional moves showed 'athletic ability' combined with humorous choreography.
Dancers mingled with friends and enjoyed themselves for over three hours and all said they look forward to next months Saturday night dance at the Harbour Room on 10 April 2021.

Mar 04, 2021
Weekly Wednesday Afternoon Dances at Malak Community Centre
by: Evelyn

Our dancers tell us that they enjoy the Wednesday Afternoon Dances very much. Attendance numbers bear this sentiment out because the hall is always close to capacity. Anyone who comes is made to feel welcome and a lot of fun and laughter makes up the mood of the afternoon. It gives our volunteers sheer joy to see our dancers experiencing such enjoyment from dance, music and friends. This weekly dance continues every Wednesday throughout the year of 2021.

Feb 13, 2021
by: Anonymous

WOW what a wonderful night dancing in Darwin last night. Everyone on the floor looking fantastic.

Feb 13, 2021
HARBOUR ROOM DARWIN - Saturday Night Dance
by: Maree

What a wonderful night of dancing on the first monthly Saturday night dance for 2021. So good to see everyone after the Xmas/New Year break dancing the night away, A most enjoyable evening with lots of our regulars and a few new faces too.

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