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Living in the rebuilt Darwin

by Jim McDougall

I arrived in Darwin nearly four years after Tracy, just as the Northern Territory became a self-governing territory with it's own Parliament and an optimism you could feel everywhere.

Although the city had been largely rebuilt by then, the destruction caused by Tracy was still very visible everywhere.

Empty concrete slabs still waiting for someone to rebuild on them were scattered through the suburbs, temporary portable home units occupied many blocks and there were even sheets of roofing iron still stuck high in the occasional tree. In fact the lack of trees and vegetation near the coast was one of the features of the landscape, with the remaining trees little more than starkly bare trunks.

Accommodation was still difficult to find and we spent the first three months here living in a tent. Fortunately it was the dry season with pleasantly warm, dry days and cool evenings; to a young family this was simply an extension of a long camping holiday traveling the west coast of Australia.

Darwin tent accommodation
Darwin tent accommodation

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1st Home buyer blues !
by: Anonymous

So 2007 is not the first time it's been hard to find a family home in Australia ;)

the real Darwin
by: Pat

It was a shame you never saw Darwin before it was destroyed and then re-built, that was the true Darwin spirit, everything was un-touched, left alone, it was a truly unique place, I was 16 when Tracey hit, it was the beginning of the end for Darwin and surrounds. the true locals never wanted Darwin to change let alone grow bigger,all I can say is I'm glad I grew up in Darwin, it was one of the best times of my life. The cyclone only sped development up. wish it never came.

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