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by AIM Events
Do you manage people formally or informally - at work, at home, or about town? Do you have a (shhh!) secret dread of managing others? Say no more! There is no need to admit it aloud. Instead, attend this highly engaging, imminently practical breakfast session with AIM and skyrocket your leadership success and self-perception.
AIM is proud to present international speaker, author and leadership consultant Devora Zack, sharing wit and wisdom from her new book, Managing for People who Hate Managing, the acclaimed follow-up to Networking for People who Hate Networking.
Packed with verve, spunk and enlightening examples, helpful exercises and lifesaving tips, Managing for People Who Hate Managing is the go-to guide for managers looking to love their jobs again. Devora takes readers through a host of potentially difficult situations, introducing them to new way of seeing themselves and others that makes managing less of a stumble in the dark and more of a walk in the park.
Incredibly, in one short session you will take a new self-assessment, have a few good laughs, learn how to work with - rather than fight against - your unique leadership strengths, gain flexible communication tools, learn to adapt your natural style to motivate and inspire people, AND network with other attendees!
The book has been described as 'probably the most fun you'll ever have reading a business book'. AIM Qld & NT CEO Vivienne Anthon FAIM said about the book, "Management is a profession that leaves many smart people scratching their heads and hoping for a miracle. At last, that miracle is here." Copies will be available for purchase and signing on the day through Management Books.
Date Friday 17 May 2013
Time 11.30am Registration for 11.45am to 1.30pm
Venue Darwin Convention Centre, Stokes Hill Road, Darwin
Cost $77.00, $66.00 AIM Members, $66.00 Table of 10
RSVP Monday 13 May 2013
Register online at or call 1300 882 895
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