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My family risked their lives for me

by Nicola

I had gone to Darwin for my mothers wedding on the 25th of December 1974 (christmas eve) we were celerbrating the marriage we invited friends and family.The weather started to change strong winds and rain came my mum looked out the window there was a cyclone about to hit Darwin. Mum thought it was cyclone Tracy but then the cyclone became closer, my aunt looked out she has been in Darwin 30yrs now and she knew that wasn't cyclone Larry. She told my mum that it was.... Cyclone Tracy. Mum quikly evacuated every one to a safe place but i went the other way to the closest. Tracy hit our house i was so scared i hve never been in a cyclone before especially one this dangerous. I closed my eyes so tightly i opened my eye's my parents's and every one were on the floor i thought they had fanted but my fate was wrong my aunt was in the closet with me she walked up behind me a those words slipped out of her lips 'they're gone'.

i have never returned to Darwin and never will not ever since the insadent.

i live with my aunty now in Melbourne.

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by: Anonymous

so sry for u. RIP your family, I'm sure they were great people and would be so proud of everything you've accomplished in your life

by: Anonymous

wow! very powerful story, im sorry about your family. but i believe you should return to darwin eventually otherwise you will never truly get over the awful experience. just to point out, there were QUITE a few spelling mistakes there, but.... dont mind me, i always do that

by: Anonymous

HI Nicole i would just like to say i feel so sorry for you and your family. I would also like to inform you that i used your storie for a project about cyclone tracy so THANKS and i hope your doing well.

by: Anonymous

that was a heart breaking story, I feel so sorry to the writer.

by: Anonymous

oh my, im so sorry

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