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My Horrible story

by Brian

I was alone with my 2 kids. They were 7 year old twins and did everything together. My X wife wasn't here because she had died at childbirth. We were hiding in the bathroom.

All of a sudden the roof lifted in the air and we were exposed. I can remember one of my kids saying "Dad, What's happening." The house was now shaking violently and I knew it wasn't going to last long. The wind stopped and I realised we were in the eye. I saw that our neighbours house was unharmed and ran to them for help. I knocked on the door and they let us in.

I was looking out the window at our house. I was told by the neighbours not to be near glass but I did so anyway. An hour later The glass shattered and luckily I only got minor cuts but I flew back and smashed into the wall. I woke up and I was told that my kids were missing.

Fortunately one was found but the other was never to be seen again. Due to health problems my one twin, Ian that was found died 4 years later due to bad health because of that Christmas day.

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