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by Annie
(townsville qld)
Im 11 and my dad has told me his story. He was 17. He had 2 brothers aged 21 and 19 and a sister aged 11. they were living in Nightcliff when tracy hit.
He has told me that it was terrifing. they had a dog that was on top of the 3 matresses that were protecting them when their roof came off.The dog was barking and barking until she was blown away!!! when it was over the roast turkey they put out for tea was still there!!!
So my nana and pop and auntie chrissy were evacuated to perth and my dad and brothers helped rebuild the city. My dad says he still hears one women who was screaming for help under debris but he could save her, though he mangaged to save her 2 very young kids aged 1 and 3. He aslo said that the hospital had been blown awawy so they had to use casusrina shopping center and he said that the floor was covered in blood, and there were lots of people injured.
One women went into labour during cyclone tracy and give birth just after it. She named him trace after cyclone tracy. It was a big job but everybody that was there managed and my dad still is there aged 53 hes been there his whole life!! and is going to stay there for the next big cyclone!!!!!
He cant even go into that sound booth at darwin museum for 1 minute it brings back to many bad memeries
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