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Northern Tango

Tango Dancers

Tango Dancers

This event has no 2023 dates listed. Please contact the organiser directly with any queries.

Northern Tango is a social Tango group in Darwin. Drawn to the magic of Argentine Tango, the group facilitates learning, practice and social dancing.

The Group organises Tango workshops in Darwin through the year with several recognised international and interstate teachers and holds a regular weekly “practica” (practice) and a monthly “Milonga” (social dance) on the last Friday of the month.

Sunday Practica
4:30pm to 6:30pm $5
Studio 13 - at the back of the clock tower shops
13/1 Caryota Crt, Coconut Grove

Every last Friday of the month 8pm - 11pm
13/1 Caryota Crt, Coconut Grove
$5 - tea,coffee, water available - BYO

Thursday nights - call to confirm start dates
Beginners 7pm to 8pm
Focus class 8pm to 9pm

Cost $12 per class - or $15 if participating in both classes on the same night

Call Kelly 0448 664 593 for further information and to confirm class times.

Check the Facebook Northern Tango (Group) page for the latest news on visiting Teachers and workshop weekends.

Every effort is made to keep the information up to date - we recommend contacting 0448 664 593 to confirm times and venues.

tango dancers

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Feb 23, 2019
April 7
by: Anonymous

How far are you from the ship pier? We will be in Darwin on April 7. Do you have a milonga or practica that night/afternoon/.
Lynn Ladisky

Apr 05, 2015
by: Dean Morris

Wow… This is awesome. Learning tango was something that I had in my bucket list and since I am in Darwin, I think I should make use of this opportunity to the fullest. And to my super luck tomorrow is a Friday, which means that they would be conducting a workshop tomorrow. I am super excited.

Mar 04, 2011
Damian & Hosamma
by: Carol

Hi everyone,
Just 9 days to go untill we have our first taste of tango passion with Damian & Hosanna.

A few things to remember for your preparation.

Don't forget your video camera if you have one as Damian recaps all lessons and allows you to video them.

Please wear appropriate foot wear. Something that stays on your feet and can slide a little on the floor. For instance, no thongs or sneakers.

If you still need to register and pay, please arrive in time to do the paper work. Please note that we do not have credit card facilities.
We will be accepting registrations from 10.30 am on Saturday 12th. (There is still time to register and pay before hand, please ring me on 0435 531 959 if you wish to do so).

Please be punctual (no NT time). The 1st introductory lesson will begin at 11 am sharp.

There will be a one hour lunch break and time to practice before the first work shop so please bring a sandwich or something to eat, tea & coffee will be available and drinks may be purchased from the bar.
Thank you for supporting this event, we look forward to meeting you.

Carol Richards

Feb 09, 2011
Damian Thompson Workshops
by: Carol Richards

Hi there fello Tangueros & Tangueras,

I am so excited to have convinced Damian Thompson to visit us here in Darwin to do workshops with our little group. I have worked very hard with him to keep the prices down with free introductory lessons and discount packages.

I hope you will all do your best to support this event.

For those of you who want to see Damian in action just go to Utube and type Damian Thompson and heaps of material will come up.
For face book users, I have put some clips on Northern Tango site and if want to check out more make a friends request to Darwin Tango Workshops and lots more info and clips on there too.

For those of you have not yet heard anything, here comes the blurb. First of all here is the program:-

Saturday 12 March
1100 - 1200. Intro Lesson (Free)
Lunch - music playing for those that want to practice
1300 - 1430. Important - Walking, Frame & Connection
1500 - 1630. Fundamental combinations required for Tango

Sunday 13 March
1300 - 1430. Introduction to the Media Giro (half turn)
1500 - 1630. Introduction to Sacada's

Weekend 2
Saturday 19 March
1100 - 1200. Intro Lesson (Free)
Lunch - music playing for those that want to practice
1300 - 1430. Milonguero (done everywhere) elements
1500 - 1630. Cross system to Cross

Sunday 20 March
1300 - 1430. Sandwich technique and options
1500 - 1630. The Giro (Complete Turn)!

We will also be having a practica on the 14th March at the Mararra Golf Club and a Milonga at Bayside Studio on 18th March.

Most likely doing some other lessons too :-) All will be confirmed

We are very lucky to have the only Australian who regularly teaches in Buenos Aires, North America, Europe and Asia teaching here in Darwin.

Damian's knowledge of dance and teaching started more than 20 years ago as both a Ballroom Dance Instructor and Martial Arts Instructor.

The emphasis will be on Salon style tango which is danced in all the Salons in Argentina and most other countries around the world now too.

He will show the principals and tecquiniques that mean your tango will improve both in understanding of how and why, but also with the floor knowledge that is often left out of teaching today.

He will be bringing with him Hosanna Heinrich who is the current Australian Stage Tango Champion and they will be performing at the Milonga on the 18th at Bayside.

Costings etc. to follow in the next email.
I have brochures to distribute if you can help in any way that would be fantastic. Call me on 0435 531 959 or email

Yours in dancing
Carol Richards

Jul 12, 2010
Up To Date
by: Dance Fan

Great to see site being kept up to date with latest information for all locals and visitors to the North.

Visitors have your dancing great.

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