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Northern Territory Fish Species

Popular Northern Territory fish species and bag limits for barramundi, saratoga, jewfish, mud crabs and others.

Fish Species display at museumNorthern Territory fish species on display at the Darwin Museum, including some rare and protected species
BarramundiBarramundi Minimum Legal size - 55cm
Bag limit - 5 per person (3 p/p Daly and Mary River systems)

Barramundi is the most popular fish for recreational anglers in the NT.

  • Barramundi have been recorded up to 150 cm long and weights in excess of 40 kg, but larger fish have been reported!
  •  Barramundi are thought to live to around 20 years of age.
  •  Large female barramundi can produce 32 million eggs a season; that's almost twice the human population of Australia
  •  Barramundi change sex, they generally mature as males in their third to fifth year and then change to females between four to eight years of age, but only in salt water.
  •  Barramundi inhabit areas where the water temperature ranges between 23C to 35C, from the Ashburton River in the west to the Mary River in Queensland.
  • Barramundi can travel great distances in their life; one fish that was tagged and released had travelled 622 km when it was recaptured. Most fish however are recaptured close to where they were tagged. There is generally not much movement of barra between river systems. 
  •  Tagged barramundi
    The Fisheries Division coordinates a barramundi tagging program to monitor the health of the fihery. If you catch a tagged barramundi please report the tag number, fih length, date, capture location and your personal details to AFANT – phone 1800 456 410 or  email
    Please release any tagged barramundi unharmed with the tag intact as they can continue to provide valuable information.


Saratoga A great fighting fish, no limit
(Not an edible fish)

Coral Trout

Coral Trout
Bag limit - General: 5 per person
Golden Snapper
Golden Snapper
Bag limit - General: 5 per person
Bag limit - 2 per person

Bag limit - 2 per person
Mangrove Jack
Mangrove Jack
Bag limit - General: 30 per person

Bag limit - General: 30 per person

Threadfin Salmon
Bag limit - General: 30 per person
Bag limit - General: 30 per person

Bag limit - General: 30 per person
Bag limit - General: 30 per boat

The maximum number of Fish is 30 at any one time.

All sawfish species are protected and must be released unharmed. Sawfih are unable to survive without their rostrum (saw), and on no account should this be removed.
Northern river shark (Glyphis garricki) and
Speartooth shark (Glyphis glyphis)
Northern river shark and speartooth shark are protected and must be released unharmed. These species have been found in many Territory rivers, including the upper freshwater reaches. Both
species are similar in appearance to the common bull shark.

Sign advising bag limitsPersonal Possession Limits for Recreational Fishing

Look for a sign like this near NT boat ramps to be clear about the fishing bag limits.

Read more details online at the Department of Resources.

Detailed scientific information on Australian Fish is available
at the Australian Museum Fish Site.

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