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by Sarah
The largest Orchid show in Northern Australia.
Enjoy the displays, demonstrations every 2 hours, bargain stalls, Devonshire teas, hot food, raffles plus much more.
Come along & purchase orchids and other plants from nurseries and clubs, ask questions of orchids specialists.
There are potting demonstrations by orchid, bonsai and bromeliad growers throughout the weekend. The orchid competition has over 60 classes to be judged, including a floral art section, and the photographic competition.
Soak up the relaxed tropical atmosphere.
Foskey Pavilion,
Darwin Showgrounds,
Stuart Hwy Winnellie
Saturday, 16 June at 9:00 am - Sunday, 17 June 2018 at 3:30 pm (ACST)
Purchase tickets from the door.
Entry; $7 Adult, Seniors $5, 12 & Under Free.
Contact 0419 031 799 for more information.
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