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Overcoming Anxiety

by Kadampa Meditation Centre Australia
(Darwin Course)

Darwin High Schooll - Dec 8

Darwin High Schooll - Dec 8

Anxiety and stress are an increasingly common problem for people in our busy, modern world. These states of mind prevent us from experiencing peace and enjoying life.

Meditation is an effective way to combat negative states of mind and create a sense of mental freedom. By gaining experience of Buddhist meditation techniques and positive thinking we can learn to control our mind, rather than allowing our mind to control us. By learning to accept painful feelings rather than being panicked by them we can keep a calm and happy mind in all situations.

On this day course we will learn how to identify and remove the causes of anxiety and worry, and enjoy a more balanced and happy life.

The teacher of this course is Gen Kelsang Dornying. Gen Dornying is the Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Centre Australia and teaches with a warmth and humility that is naturally inspiring.

The Tank · Darwin High School · Atkins Drive · Fannie Bay
Sunday 8 December · 10am - 4pm

Cost: $50

Booking essential please visit our website to book:

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