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by Anne
This idea was brought to Darwin by a former Qld Forest Ranger, Charles, then my husband, who later worked for Paul's.
Paul's offered us a transfer to Darwinin 1969, after warning us to only bring pure cotton clothing to the tropics.
Soon after, Charles suggested to management that they introduce Iced Coffee to Darwin. Management response was to the effect that the Darwin population were nowhere sophisticated enough to want Iced Coffee!
Charles 'whinged' and 'whinged' to them several times and finally one day they lined up 14 small pots of Iced Coffee samples for staff to try, and two votes were received.
They were initially produced in 1970 as quarter pint sizes, These sold out so quickly that 500 of pint sizes were produced as a trial, These sold out by the following day, and it hasn't stopped since!
So Thank You Charles,our hero, from all Iced Coffee lovers.
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