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Robin Falls

Robin Falls is a scenic bush waterfall and creek located about 20 minutes drive south of Adelaide River on Dorat Road, the old Stuart Highway.

Dorat Rd is easy to find, just look for the Railway Heritage museum and original Railway Station immediately south of the Adelaide River bridge.

Robin Falls RockpoolNatural Rockpool at Robin Falls
Three levels of waterfallThree levels of waterfall

It's worth the walk!

An unsealed dirt road from Dorat road leads to a rough stony walking track along the side of a creek which takes you to the waterfall.

There's plenty of picturesque pools and small rapids along the way to spend time at, if you are in a hurry allow about 20 minutes for the walk.

See some of the creek scenes in the photos below.

The pool in the top photo is at the base of the centre falls, directly behind the rocks the bottom falls are cascading over.

This is only accessible in the dry season when the water levels are low enough. 

pool at base of the fallsCooling off in the pool at the base of the falls
creek pool and rapidsA small pool and rapids in the creek below the falls.
rocky poolsRocky pools and bush beside the track to the falls.
track beside creekTrack runs beside the creek.
rocky trackParts of the track are rocky

(above) The track from the end of the road follows the creek and in parts is quite rocky and uneven. 

The photo below shows campers tents in the bush and cars parked at the end of the road. It's all bush here, there are no toilets or other facilities available.

robin falls roadEnd of the road- from here it's a 20-30 minute walk to the falls

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