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Tania Bird - Run with the Wind
Run with the Wind, a concert by NT Musicians
CHAN CONTEMPORARY ART SPACE - 28 September Gallery opens at 6.45pm Concert at 7.30pm
After the wonderful success of the second concert of All Things Music, the third in the series of concerts given by musicians of the Northern Territory - Run with the Wind will take place on Saturday, 28th September at 7.30pm, featuring wind instruments, together with harp and strings.
Due to the success of the first concert in the Chan Contemporary Art Space in Parliament Square, Darwin - this concert will return there again to celebrate with Toga and the prize winners of the 2013 Togart Award
The concert will be hosted by flautist Tania Bird, joined by Lydon Watts (principal bassoon, Munich Philharmonic Orchestra) and Stephen Pevely, Resident Conductor and principal clarinetist of the Darwin Symphony Orchestra, along with string quartet, led by Tara Murphy, leader of DSO, soprano, Fiona Wake and harpist, Vanessa Sundstrup.
The evening will be presented by Toga and Arts NT, together with Randazzo Properties, who have been supporters since the initial concept of the series and are fast becoming recognised as major supporters of the Arts in the Northern Territory.
The gallery will open at 6.45pm, allowing time to have a glass of wine and browse the Art.
Concert starts at 7.30pm.
Tickets $35. Children 14 and under $20.00.
Tel: 04 662 553 51
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