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2011 Seabreeze Festival 30th April to 7 May 2011 More details will be posted here as they become available. |
Seabreeze Day 2009Saturday May 2nd is a progressive, moving feast of music and visual arts, spread along 1 kilometre of foreshore from the Nightcliff Jetty to Chapman Road.Celebrate the beginning of the dry with entertainment, funfair activities, stalls, exhibitions and displays FREE for the whole family. This annual event is all about community participation with numerous opportunities for everyone to create something special. The tides are with us this year, so the Sand Sculpture Competition will be huge, with $275 in cash prizes for adults and special vouchers for under 12?s. Prizes judged, sponsored and awarded by Jane Aagaard on the beach at 4pm before the tide washes away the works of art. This year the festival will feature a Bicycle Parade. Cyclists are invited to decorate their bikes for a chance to scoop $300 in cash prizes with junior and adult categories. Gather at the Jetty Car Park at 5.30pm and move to the music stage near Chapman Rd, contact Jen for further information 0432949510. Visual Artists are invited to bring along their works to an afternoon al fresco exhibition at the Jetty Art Space by 11am. Prizes include the $500 cash Perpetual Lions Club Trophy and $100 Chris Burns Junior awards. Contact Jac for more information 0406170084 Adjacent to the Arts Space is our Community Sculpture, ?Welcome the Seabreeze?. Bring fabric, chimes, or anything that reacts with wind and add to this evolving creation. The Music Stage features the finest school bands followed by the hottest acts the Top End has to offer. Near the music stage FREEP?s also provides numerous activities for the whole family. The Dance Stage, coordinated by Corrugated Iron Youth Arts and Ausdance NT will display a vibrant mix of styles, era and culture. Check out Coconut Capers - Pacific Islanders showcasing the many uses of a coconut palm tree, the Top End Folk Club Stage, the Verandah Banda playing on the patio @ 234 Casuarina Drive, or simply soak up the beauty that is Nightcliff foreshore. The Seabreeze Week 2009Saturday 2nd May Nightcliff SEABREEZE Day Sunday 3rd of May Tuesday 5th May, 10am. Thursday 7th May, |
Read the full 2008 Seabreeze newsletter.
The Seabreeze Artspace, located near the jetty, invites all visual artists to bring their works, including paintings, sculptures and photographs, by 11am on April 28th. |
Pirates Orienteering Game - Scour the fore shore to find the answers. Get your free entry form from the information booth near the jetty from 10am. Cash prizes up for grabs! |
Show us your Street Gear An exhibition of cars and motorbikes in the Swimming Pool Carpark. Vehicles must be there for registration between 2-3pm. Prizes for people's choice award. |
Sand Sculpure Competition. Head to the Nightcliff Beach early to produce your masterpiece. | ![]() |
![]() | Friday 4th May 6pm - 10pm Nightcliff Community Centre, Bauhinia Street A high powered line up of young local bands...$8/$5 concession. Alcohol FREE Event. Lock in for 16 & under. | ![]() |
![]() Ph 8948 2773 Seabreeze Screen Culture | ![]() @ Pavonia Way 8am - 2pm | FREE KIDS Entertainment PAVONIA WAY at 10.00am every day! |
The Groove-FREE event Corrugated Iron. The event kicks off at 5pm with Screen Culture Seminar (come along and talk about the filmmaking scene in the NT) and then from 7pm watch a batch of locally made short films with a Nightcliff link (location, filmmaker...) on a huge screen. Supported by Seabreeze Festival, The Groove and Moving Pictures. TranspoeticA spoken word event featuring Mike Ladd,of Radio National?s PoeticA fame and onthe final leg of his NT Literary Awards Tour. Also presenting The Third Degree (the FourthEstate in leaner line-up) and Taskha Urban(the songstress from the Centre) and theOpen Mic section. Entry $8/$5 or free forOpen Mic performers. Table Bookings: 8948 2773, Enquiries: 8941 2651, info@ntwriters.com.au | Food stalls, Craft Stalls,Buskers. Shade and seating. Sunday 29th April entertainment by Adam Ryan Sunday 6th May No Diet Day with YMCA Ausdance presents Crocodylis. Belly Dancers, Music by theTodd Williams Band. Market enquires to Ross 0414 368 773 | Tuesday 1st MayStorytime presented byDarwin City Council Libraries Wed 2nd May Music for Fun... presentedby Amadeus Music School Thurs 3rd May Storytime presented by Darwin City Council Libraries Friday 4th May Circus Performers, Bubbles the Clown, Balloon Sculpting ![]() |
Seabreeze Spectacular With Neo, Steve Holiday Alternative, AdamRyan and much more! Six piece Aussie Funk 'n Roots band, NEOhave just returned home from East CoastBlues and Roots Festival, Byron Bay and amassive three month Australian tour. Tocelebrate their returning home, they arelaunching a new single: 'Birthday' at the Seabreeze Festival. $10/$5 Concession
| The Seabreeze Visual Arts Program NTU visual art students have worked with artists,Colin Holt, Tobias Richardson and Gwenyth Brougto create ephemeral and recycled sculptures based on the Festival?s environment theme. The sculptures will be placed on various sites between the footbridge and the jetty during the festival. Multimedia artist June Mills, has painted a set of street banners based on Larrakia Dreamings and local wildlife on Casuarina Drive foreshore and Progress Drive. Multimedia artists Penny Campton has installed exhibits in shopfronts around Progress Drive and Pavonia. Peter Mumme has created an impressive audio visual Seabreeze soundscape, ondisplay in the old National Bank building, Pavonia Way.
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