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Profitable websites for small business.
Did you say you are looking
for a small business website
Or are you really looking for a business builder
My best guess is you are only looking for a website builder because you want to build or improve a business by connecting with all those people who use the internet.
And you are right, businesses that have learned how to utilize the internet gain enormous benefits. We see their success stories in the media all the time.
Small business website development can be effective without being expensive.
The days of having to be a programming guru or needing the cash reserves of News Ltd to benefit from the internet are long gone. Thousands of small businesses worldwide are using the internet to strengthen existing business or build new business online.
A business builder website will allow you to;
This requires much more than just a simple brochure style website.
Fortunately there are programs and tools available to do all this quite cheaply and efficiently. Some of the best are listed here.
However it does take a lot of time and experience to bring all the necessary parts together and produce an effective business building website.
alternative is to use Ken Evoy's Solo Build It!
which is widely recognised as the best online
builder on the web. It brings together all the tools
you need
and seamlessly integrates them into a powerful
In fact Solo Build It!
utilizes the best stand-alone
programs available, programs like Word Tracker, Dreamweaver, Google
adwords and many more, along with it's own proprietary data bases and
applications, to provide a complete business building system.
If you're not familiar with these programs, a good analogy might be a motor vehicle. When we buy a car we know that the gearbox, the brakes or the windscreen might be manufactured by another company, but we'll judge the vehicle by the way all the parts work together in the final product.
Ok, so how much does this cost, and how do I use it?
The Solo Build It!
including 12 months hosting,
domain registration and all it's other features, costs just US$299.00.
me this is a steal, and the best value you will find anywhere. In fact
if you think there is better value somewhere, please send
me your link
and I'll buy the program on the spot. But please
don't just send me some $5 web hosting company, I will check your offer
feature for feature and benefit for benefit in a comparison
with Solo Build It!
There are several options for using Solo Build It! to build your business;
If you have any questions ask an existing SBI user. I'm sure they will be happy to tell you their personal experience with the program.
"What can I say? Life has never been better. Freedom is something that can't be paid for. It's not that I work less, I probably work more than I ever did, but I do it on my own terms. It doesn't feel like work at all. I am confident that I will never have to work for others again unless I want to!"
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