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Take me back.

by Storm Willett
(Brisbane, Queensland)

Berry Springs Waterfall

Berry Springs Waterfall

I was born in Darwin in 1963, my father was in the RAAF. We moved back to Darwin in 1970 and was there until just before Christmas 1974.

Missed the big blow as we were on holidays on the Gold Coast. We went back to Darwin in 1980 and I was there until end of 1982.

My memories over this time, oh so many to record. Before Tracy - Berry and Howard Springs, fishing with Dad on Buffalo Creek, RAAF Christmas Parties, playing soccer for the RAAF team and Stuart Park Soccer Team, Attending Stuart Park Primary and Darwin High.

Overall After Tracy working at Smith Street Woollies with a couple of great mates and all the good times that go with that. If I had a time machine I know where I would be visiting.

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Looking for long lost friends
by: Storm

Between 1980 and 1982 was good friends with Richard Tozer, Robert Jones and Paul, forgive me but cannot remember his name.
We first met when working at Woolworths in Smith Street.
Also good friends with a Clinton Green, caught up with him here in Brisbane in the early 90's.
Richard's dad was a doctor, Robert's sister was Bernadette. Clinton lived with a Cherie on the RAAF Base.
Would love to know what happened to these guys, best of mates.

Storm Willett

Good times and good memories
by: Anonymous

Yes I remember dad speaking of you. Yes how time has flown. Dad carried on with scouts for many years and was District Commissioner for one of the districts south of Brisbane. Both mum and dad have passed on. I married and have two kids, although adults now, Ethan 22 and Megan 19. Gayle has 3 kids and is well. I had planned to take my family back to Darwin but alas time got the better of me.
I will take my wife Debbie back one day. I was there last in 1996 for work and really the place felt like the back of my hand.
I had forgotten I posted to this site and by chance came upon it yesterday so my apologies for not responding sooner. Hope hear from you.

good times with Lenny Willet
by: Anonymous

I remember your dad Lenny, he was a scout leader I did my scout training with him. Your mum was the usher at the RAAF base movie theatre and you have a sister Gayle. Had many a good time camping with Lenny, lived in Darwin long time, had a lot of good memories of the old Darwin, lot of good old people there. Laurie past Tiwi scout leader (mo)

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