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the day I nearly died

by hailey

i was with my dog out side, the winds were already very strong, i looked up and saw a big wind cloud. i quickly ran inside so terified. i wanted tomorrow to come beacuase of christmas, but suddenly i changed my mind, i didn't want it to come anymore. when i was inside i an to my mum and said to her look out of the window. she looked omg she scram. she quickely ran insode her bedroom and got out my little 2 week old sister. she tried to contact my dad, but the storm tok away the reception. i was scared. she went to the kitchen and took took all the food she can. i helped. then she went to the bedrooms and got out pillows and warm blankets. we ran down to the attick. then i relised i forgot my dog outside. so i ran out ran out to get but she was no where in sight. i couldn't do anything. as i was walking inside i heard a big crash and looked there had been a car accident, and my dad and brother were in it. i ran to the car and found my brother bleeding from his head snd they were both unconcious. i looked up and saw the storm coming closer. i was panicing. i tried to wake them but they wouldn't wake. i felt there pulse but there was no pulse. there was nothing else to do but save myself. i quikely ran inside and told my mum the bad news. she burst out crying. i then started to cry followed my my little sister. after a while we got over it. and the storm had arrived. but there was another disaster. from all the heavy winds out roof came off, and a piece of metal came through splitting my mums neck. her head had come off. the metal then landed hard on my baby sister killing her. all of my family had died. i was all alone. what was i going to do. i was scared very scared.

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by: Anonymous

What a story, I was in Tracy and your story is full of BS. I know person killed in Tracy and the trauma this has caused for their families, have some respect you people who write total crap on this page for the survivors and those killed or disabled by Tracy. A true story is acceptable but we who where there know what that night brought it ruined lives and I hope you never go through what we did. At least read up on the facts before inventing a story so far fetched you cruel individual.

You went outside?!
by: Anonymous

Why would you go outside in that storm?! I hope you are ok. I am so sorry to hear about those deaths. :(

Too many inconsistencies
by: Anonymous

From someone who was really in the cyclone, there are too many inconsistencies in this story for it to be a true account. Firstly, the really strong winds didn't come until after midnight... you state that you were outside and saw a 'big ball' coming. The sky on that day was just heavy with condensation and was a pea green colour. You could not see the storm as a noticable mass. You also said that you looked out and saw debris etc as though very clearly.... Debris only really started to fly around after midnight and it would have been pretty hard to see as clearly as you seemed to say. Also, in all the newsreels etc there has never been any mention of whole families being killed, especially a father and son in a car accident and the rest of the family in the storm. Also, there were no attics in Darwin houses and attics (as someone else mentioned) are up not down. The spelling is very similar to another post on this site where a whole family was killed and the person was taken to an 'orfenege'. It is sad that some people don't have integrity and this spoils a credible site for other people who are sincerely wanting to share their stories.

by: Anonymous

I'm Soooooooooooooooooooo sorry. Do you realise how lucky you are to have survive? i'm listening to a really sad song at the moment and i feel like crying. i hope you are okay. i will remember you this christmas.

by: Anonymous

you ran down to the attick. how's that? i thought atticks were upstairs, not down.

The Day Santa Never Made It to the crippled city of darwin taht experience the history of mother nature.
by: Anonymous

its such a very heart breaking story about cyclone tracy. it was a history about the brave australian who lost their lives in the incident. im so sorry that your mother and 2 week old sister had died through the collision. this story about darwin 1974 has made me burst into tears everytime i watched it. and even though i have not migrated into australia until 1996, i still find the darwin 1974 irreversible and very shocking for everyone who has experienced it. may god bless every victim in the incident and pour us all with hope and dignity. your story has touched me.

Wow thats harsh
by: Maddi

Wow That sounds very harsh this is the most exquizive story i have ever read about cyclone tracy Im so sorry for you....

sad : - (
by: Anonymous

i am so sad and i hope u r ok

The title fits perfecty with this story.
by: Amber Joy

hi my name is amber - joy this story sounds really bad so bad if its true i feel so bad for you and if it isnt true its a great story but the only thind i think that is bad is theres so many wrong spellings but maby you are younger than me i am not the best speller in my class but i no alot of wrong spellings when i see it i have just got in year seven and i need help with my spelling so if its true i am thinking for you and it must be hard for you and if it isnt true its one hell of a story and its great

so thank you for you time if you read this amber- joy.........

The day i nearly died
by: jet

i like your story, it nearly made me cry, but you gonna be careful with your spelling.

Punctuation please
by: Anonymous

Your punctuation is crap, but your story was OK. Work on the punctuation

What a load of crap.
by: REAL Darwin Resident

Terrible fake story. I live in Darwin Hailey (or whatever your real name is).

As a kid you checked for vital signs after a car accident that had just happened? And they were already dead? lol. You watch too much TV. I love the part about your mothers head flying off and killing the baby. Gold.

You sound like a 15 year old moron troll.

yeah right
by: Anonymous

your full of it from what i heard it was raining all that day. plus a dog would know if the storm was coming it would have sought out shelter plus you would have been down in the basement not the atic. by the way if your mums head had been cut off you would either faint or cry your eyes out.

i realy believe that
by: Anonymous

NOT, do u think this is funny or something because its not. its sick that someone would joke about people dying this is an awful
story how do u think you are making all the people who were there feel.

yeah right
by: Anonymous

what eva r u full of s*#t i don't believe that for a second is this some type of joke its not a laughing matter

by: Anonymous

This one is completely fake, it makes it look out to be like Tracy was a ball of cloud looming over the city that everyone could see coming and identify, if you read anything about the day, it was cloudy/raining all day so, yeah, you can't see anything coming, just a gradual srengthening of the wind.

This is what happens when primary-school kids think they can fool people.

by: Anonymous

Punctuation and spelling is bad and really bad story. How would you feel if it was real?

How is anyone supposed to believe that story...
by: Anonymous

And I call it a story because it an outright fabrication. How is anyone supposed to belive a story that looks as if it has been written by a six year old. With so many grammatical and spelling errors, a better tale could have been written by my dog.

Yours Sincerely

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