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The happiest times with wonderful friends

by Anne Waldie

I landed in Darwin and settled into the YWCA. This was 1972. What followed was the most wonderful 6 months of my life.
Memories come flooding back. A YWCA full of great girls, some of whom are still my friends to this day. The Army, RAAF, or was it Navy?....were there to accompany us to the many social dances at the barracks. Perfect gentlemen. From memory, I was the one who rang the barracks and asked for dance partners! Jobs were plentiful in those days and we were all able to secure employment. I thank Darwin often for the opportunity to gain regular employment and contribute to their wonderful city.

We girls spent happy weekends travelling south in either a mini moke that was incapable of reversing, or someone's else's vehicle from the vast supply of willing providers. Picnics at Mindil Beach (whilst watching out for the sunbathing crocs), or across the road in the shady Botanic Gardens. Great times were had in the Darwin Hotel, especially when one of the girls was a barmaid. If you are called "Ruth" and were a hairdresser in your hometown in Qld...we remember you as part of the two "Ruths"! I remember a birthday (my 23rdI think) (of which I still have the photo) on a fishing vessel in Darwin harbour. My first taste of prawns (which I hated), but to my delight - they were delicious. A wonderful party.

I was also able to take a trip to Bacau and Dili with a friend. We slept out in the open, in a safe enclosed beach area (complete with a "guard" who slept in a "bunker" in the compound). Payment was made with cans of food. Sleeping under the stars was a wonderful experience. Breakfast from the bakery vendor who pedaled his wares on a bicycle. hot, just baked, wonderful pastries.

I returned to Darwin to live and work (many years later) for 18 months with my husband, and whilst the memories were still fresh in my would have been lovely to see some familiar faces again!

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