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by Jim
Toyota Camry 1985
This is not an advertisement, simply a layout example so you can see how your ad will appear.
Each ad will be checked manually to make sure it is on topic and suitable for a family friendly website.
Ads will not be checked for accuracy, so please be careful with descriptions and contact details. If you look carefully you can see these photos do not all show 1985 Camry detals accurately.
Photos need to be less than 100k to upload properly. (about 800x600)
There are many photo editing programs you can do this with, including downloads such as Picassa or Gimp or online editors such as PicMonkey
The headline you use - in this case Toyota Camry 1985 - will become the file name of your ad, which can then be used in newspaper ads etc to send people to a full description of your car here. The reference for this ad would be;
Notice this is now all lower case. You should check you have it exactly correct. If there is an existing file name the same as yours, an extra number will be added automatically.
An email will notify you when the ad is listed so you can check your URL there.
Use TinyURL to make a short URL for your other ads.
Ads will be listed here in the order they are received and will also be listed on our Blog.
The page will automatically be submitted to search engines and is more likely to be listed in results well if it is original and has a good description of 200 words or so.
Once you have this page, you can promote it with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, GumTree and other networks.
Good Luck and Thanks for using
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