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by Shalom Kaa
Commemorating 100 Years of Armistice, come back in time with Darwin Chorale to visit Darwin in 1914!
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One hundred years ago a document was signed that would effectively end what was then known as the ‘war to end all wars’. The Armistice of 11 November 1918 ended one of the bloodiest periods of human history: World War 1.
Music played an important role during this time: patriotic songs like "Pack Up Your Troubles" stirred fervour for young men to answer the call to war, while classics like "Now Is The Hour" revealed the naivety of the those at home who expected their boys to return much earlier than what was to be the case.
On the home front music kept loved ones placated, while on the Western Front full-time bandsmen entertained troops. Soldiers whistled Waltzing Matilda while mothers were told to "Keep The Home Fires Burning".
In Voices Of Remembrance, we take the audience on a nostalgic journey back to pre-War Darwin - a time of seeming peace in Australia. Revisiting iconic landmarks, situations and personalities (such as Port Darwin, Chinatown, Kahlin Compound, Vestey’s Meatworks, the Australian Workers Union and Administrator John Gilruth) will set an interesting precursor to war.
It’s then that we meet our two young Territory men from different worlds as they leave Darwin to fight for peace. Through song and narrative we’ll follow their journey only to realise the road to peace will extend way beyond the battleground. Voices of Remembrance will reveal that music played in a critical role in providing a sense of peace during war.
Featuring a cast of fine local actors, a 40-strong choir (Darwin Chorale) and full band, don’t miss this opportunity to commemorate an important historical milestone - and be prepared to sing along!
Darwin Entertainment Centre
93 Mitchell St
3 November 2018 7.30pm
Full Price: $55.00
Concession: $50.00
Defence: TBA
Child 3 - 15: $30.00
Tickets available at
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