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Ducks, egrets, heron and other water birds are often seen in the creeks and waterways around Darwin, especially towards the end of the dry season.
As water dries up in the thousands of square kilometres of flood plains
around the Top End, these birds congregate at any water they can find.
There are many inlets and small tidal creeks around Darwin and the Darwin Harbour which can easily be accessed for a spot of bird watching.
Rapid Creek, which runs from the airport to the sea through the northern suburbs, is particularly easy to get to - just take a #4 or #10 bus. You can walk the length of the creek from the beach through mangroves to freshwater in an hour and see many different birds as the habitat changes.
An Egret, possibly either a Little Egret, or a Great Egret
Photographed in a large drain which runs into Rapid Creek, this bird is quite unconcerned that the water level will rise dramatically here as the tide turns.
Tides of seven or eight metres flush these systems each day, keeping them in good condition for all sorts of aquatic life.
(left) This Pied Heron is another bird of the north, only found in coastal areas of tropical Australia. Ranges from Drysdale River in WA to Ayer in Qld.
Radjah Shelducks rummage in some shallow water while the tide is out. At high tide there will be several metres of water here, changing the habitat system completely.
Four different species of birds congregate on Casuarina Beach. (My best guess)
Eastern Curlew - in the waves
Pied Oystercatchers
Smaller Sandpiper
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