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Website Design

Some practical tips for good website design.

Using website design to provide your visitors
with quality content and information.

People go online primarily to search for information, and the search engines do their best to provide exactly the information they are searching for.

Aim to build a site with quality information that your visitors would actually search for. If the information is relevant, the search engines will recognize it and use the site in their search results.

Of course the internet almost certainly already has sites that are similar to the one you would like to build, so to be competitive you will need the best possible information presented in the most search engine friendly way.

  • select the best keywords
  • register the most relevant URL,
  • use a search engine friendly layout,
  • develop a sitemap,
  • submit new pages to search engines,
  • develop a linking strategy,

Use these free tools to help;

Wordtracker keyword suggestion tool

Kompozer Web Authoring System

GIMP, the GNU Image Manipulation Program

Website Grader measures the marketing effectiveness of a website.

W3 Schools web development tutorials

Filezilla - the free FTP Solution

Free website templates from

More free templates from

Use Value Exchange to set up quality link exchanges.

These free tools (and many others are also available)  allow virtually anyone with the time and patience to develop their own web site.

For a complete guide to building a website that works successfully, download Dr Ken Evoy's classic Make Your Site Sell This book sold over 100,000 copies at it's original price of $29.95 and is still regarded as the best. Download it here free. The reality is that most of us simply do not have this sort of time available. Doing things this way with free programs would be a little like starting a delivery service by searching the car parts suppliers for the bits we need to build a delivery van.

Since MYSS was written, Ken Evoy has developed tools which allow people with no programming skills to use these fundamental principles to build web sites that compete successfully with the best programmers anywhere. This program, called Solo Build It, is the equivalent of the delivery van in the analogy above. There's no doubt in my mind that Solo Build It is the best online "delivery van" available. You think I'm stretching things a bit? Read these Case Studies and see for yourself how ordinary people have changed their lives with this extraordinary program.

This is the program I've used to build over the past year or so as a part-time project. I'd never touched a computer until a few years ago and I'm certainly no programming whiz however I recognised the efficiency of using existing resources rather than trying to build everything by myself from the ground up. 

Small Business Website Builder
Solo Build It Free Video Tour
Earn Money Online with a Website

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