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Let me take you on a spiritual healing journey through your mind,body and soul, while connecting to the heart and spirit of Berry Springs.

My intentions is to guide you through a peaceful and calm YIN based stretch yoga and meditation. Using soft gentle stretch postures and breathe to open up your heart and soul. To help expand your awareness to yourself and to all that exists, in tranquil surroundings of Mother nature.

An alternative way to expand your experience, connection and mindfulness to yourself and the gifts of life.
' life is abundant, abundance is life .’

No matter how chaotic and stormy life can be. By taking a journey into your inner self and finding the true peace and harmony within, will help reflect the peace and harmony in your surrounding world.

We all have experienced some form of suffering. Emotionally dictated by the scenarios of life, whether you are aware of it or if it be a possible subconscious block to your inner divine happiness.

No matter your experiences in life whether they be positive or negative, chaotic or calm good or bad. Sad, angry, jealous, or even frightened

You can find the beauty and valuable lessons within. You just need to CHANGE the state of the mind.
' choosing to see the light in the shadow'


I myself have experienced suffering in my life, from abuse, loss, grief, fear, injuries,stress, all very traumatic life changing experiences that threw me off balance..... I know what it feels like to be a victim of your past/present experiences, where you feel stuck, lost, alone and if I dare I say....DEFEATED!.
..... All is well ..... there is always hope...

My healing journey began with my first baby step of change, starting with Yoga...and ... meditation..

Opening up areas of my body in an inviting non judgemental space with ease.
Nice soft slow gentle movements.

Yin yoga, meditation and being in touch with nature has changed my actually saved me. it has assisted me in finding my freedom beyond the pain and sufferings. gifting me a new outlook of self and all that is. Sharing new coping tools to help through the hurricane storms of what our world can bring.

It will be my pleasure to share with you some of the tools that have helped me throughout my healing journey. Spiritual, Physical and emotional using FEM-MAN IN NATURE yin meditation yoga.
If your ready to take your step into your healing journey join me for a class.
$10 donations
Remember to bring a towel, water to drink, swimming clothes for a swim in the springs if u choose. Limited mats supplied, if you have your own mat please bring it.

For further information please call me or text me, yoga, then name and I'll get back to asap. 0401152022

I look forward to our healing journey
Namaste and much love and light

Xoxo Fleur-desiree


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Jun 21, 2017
Best start into the day
by: Tina

This is the best way to start your day... it's suitable for eyeryone... no matter how old, how fit or how much into yoga you are... fleur will pick you up and lead you on a journey to love, peace and harmony... enjoy the cool morning... birds singing ... breathe nature... :-)
Thanks fleur... it's been a pleasure

Jun 21, 2017
Refreshing , unique , raw honesty and warmth
by: Anonymous

Meditating and mild stretching in amongst the sounds and aromas of Berry Springs with such an inspiring Yoga teacher as Fleur-Desiree is none other. I felt at peace with nature, those who inflicted my suffering and with myself . What a wonderful way to finish this off with a cleanse in the warm berry springs and waterfall.
Thank you, Fleur-Desiree

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